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Light - The Physics of the Photon

索书号 F/O43/K29

Table of Contents

Classical Optics in Global Vacuum
Heading for photon physics
Fundamentals of free electromagnetic fields
Optics in the Special Theory of Relativity

Light Rays and Geodesics. Maxwell Theory in General Relativity
The light-particle and wave pictures in classical physics
Eikonal theory and Fermat’s principle
Geodesics in General Relativity
The space-time of General Relativity
Electromagnetic theory in curved space-time

Photon Wave Mechanics
The elusive light particle
Wave mechanics based on transverse vector potential
Longitudinal and scalar photons. Gauge and near-field light quanta
Massive photon field
Photon energy wave function formalism

Single-Photon Quantum Optics in Minkowskian Space
The photon of the quantized electromagnetic field
Polychromatic photons
Single-photon wave packet correlations
Interference phenomena with single-photon states
Free-field operators: Time evolution and commutation relations

Photon Embryo States
Attached photons in rim zones
Evanescent photon fields
Photon tunneling
Near-field photon emission in 3D

Photon Source Domain and Propagators
Super-confined T-photon sources
Transverse current density in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
Spin-1/2 current density in relativistic quantum mechanics
Massless photon propagators

Photon Vacuum and Quanta in Minkowskian Space
Photons and observers
The inertial class of observers: Photon vacuum and quanta
The non-inertial class of observers: The nebulous particle concept
Photon mass and hidden gauge invariance

Two-Photon Entanglement in Space-Time
The quantal photon gas
Quantum measurements
Two-photon wave mechanics and correlation matrices
Spontaneous one- and two-photon emissions

