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索书号 O4/Z698/v.27

Part I Surface Roughness and Hierarchical Friction Mechanisms
1  Introduction.
1.1 Surfaces and Surface Free Energy
1.2 Mesoscale
1.3 Hierarchy
1.4 Dissipation
1.5 Thbology
1.6 Biomimetics:From Engineering to Biology and Back
2  Rough Surface Topography
2.1 Rough Surface Characterization
2.2 Statistical Analysis of Random Surface Roughness
2.3 Fractal Surface Roughness-.
2.4 Contact ofRough Solid Surfaces
2.5 Surface Modification
2.5.1 Surface Texturing.
2.5.2 Layer Deposition
2.6 Summary
3  Mechanisms of Dry Friction,Their Scaling and Linear Properties
3.1 Approaches to the Multiscale Nature of Fricfion
3.2 Mechanisms ofDry Fricfion
3.2.1 Adhesive Friction.
3.2.2 Deformation ofAsperities
3.2.3 Plastic Yield
3.2.4 Fracture.
3.2.5 Ratchet and Cobblestone Mechanisms
3.2.6 “Third Body”Mechanism
3.2.7 Discussion
3.3 Friction as a Linear Phenomenon
3.3.1 Friction.Controlled bv Real Area of Contact
3.3.2 Fricrion Controlled by Average Surface Slope
3.3.3 Other Explanations of the Linearity of Fricfion
3.3.4 Linearity and the“Small Parameter
3.4  Summary
4  Friction as a Nonlinear Hierarchical Phenomenon.
4.1 Nonlinear Efiects in Dry Fricfion
4.1.1 Nonlinearity of the AmontonsCoulomb Rule
4.1.2 Dynamic Instabilities Associated with the Nonlinearity
4.1.3 Velocity―Dependence and Dynamic Fricfion
4.1.4 Interdependence of the Load.,Size一,and Velocity―
Dependence ofthe Coe衔cient Of刚ction
4.1.5 StickSlip Morion
4.1.6 Self-Organized Criticality
4.2 Nonlinearity and Hierarchy
4.3 Heterogeneity.Hierarchy and Energy Dissipation
4.3.1 Ideal VS.RealContact Situations.
4-3.2 Measure of Inhomogeneity and Dissipation at Various
Hierarchy Levels
4.3.3 Order-Parameter and Mesoscopic Functional
4.3.4 Kinetics ofthe Atomic―Scale Fricfion
4.4 Mapping of Fricrion at Various Hierarchy Levels
4.5 Summary
Part II Solid-Liquid Friction and Superhydrophobicity
5  Solid-Liquid Interaction and Capillary Effects
5.1 Three Phase States ofMatter
5.2 Phase Equilibrium and Stability
5.3 Water Phase Diagram at the Nanoscale
5.4 Surface Free Energy and the Laplace Equation
5.5 ContactAngle andtheYoungEquation
5.6 Kelvin’S Equation.
5.7 Capillary Effects and Stability Issues
5.8 Summary
6  Roughness-Induced Superhydrophobicity
6.1 The Phenomenon ofSuperhydrophobicity
6.2 Contact Angle Analysis
6.3 Heterogeneous Surfaces and Wenzel and Cassie Equations
6.3.1 Contact Angle with a Rough and Heterogeneous Surfaces
6.3.2 The Cassie-Baxter Equation
6.3.3 Limitations of the Wlenzel and Cassie Equations
6.3.4 Range of Applicability of the Wenzel and Cassie Equations
6.4 Calculation ofthe Contact Angle for Selected Surfaces
6.4.1 TwO.Dimensional Periodic Profiles
6.4.2 Three―Dimensional Surfaces
6.4.3 Surface Optimization forMaximum ContactAngle
6.5 Contact Angle Hysteresis
6.5.1 Origin OftheC0ntactAngleHysteresis
6.5.2 Pinning ofthe Tripie Line
6.5.3 Contact Angle Hysteresis and the Adhesion Hysteresis
6.6 Summary
7  Stability of the Composite Interface,Roughness and Meniscus Force
7.1 DestabilizationoftheCompositeInterface.
7.1.1 Destabilization Due to Capillary and Gravitational Wlaves
7.1.2 Probabilistic Model
7.1.3 Analysis ofRough Profiles
7.1.4 Eflfect ofDroplet Weight
7.2 Contact Angle wim Three―Dimensional Solid Harmonic Surface
7.2.1 Three.Dimensional Harmonic Rough Surface
7.2.2 Calculations oftheCOntactAreas
7.2.3 Metastable States
7.2.4 Overall Contact Angle
7.2.5 Discussion ofResults
7.2.6 The Similarity OfBubbles and Droplets
7.3 CapillaryAdhesionForceDuetOtheMeniscus
7.3.1 SphereinContactwith aSmoothSurface
7.3.2 Multiple―Asperity Contact
7.4 Roughness Optimization
7.5 Effect oftheHierarchicalRoughness
7.5.1 Hierarchical Roughness
7.5.2  Stabilitv of a Composite Interface and Hierarchical Roughness
7.5.3 Hierarchical Roughness
7.5.4  Results and Discussion
7.6 Summary
8  Cassie-Wenzei Wetting Regime Transition.
8.1 The Cassie-Wenzel Transition and the Contact Angle Hysteresis
8.2 Experimental Study of the Cassie―Wenzel Transition
8.3 Wetting as aMultiscalePhenomenon
8.4 Investigation ofWetting as a Phase Transition
8.5 Reversible Superhydrophobicity
8.6 Summary.
9  Underwater Superhydrophobicity and Dynamic Effects
9.1 Superhydrophobicity for the Liquid Flow
9.2 Nanobubbles and Hydrophobic Interaction
9.3 Bouncing Droplets
9.4 Droplet on a Hot Surface:the Leidenfrost Effect
9.5 A Droplet on an Inclined Surface
9.6 Summary
Part IH Biological and Biomimetic Surfaces
10 Lotus-EffectandWater-RepellentSurfacesinNature.
10.1 Water-Repellent Plants.
10.2 Characterization of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Leaf Surfaces
10.2.1 Experimental Techniques
10.2.2 Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Leaves
10.2.3 Contact Angle Measurements.
10.2.4 Surface Characterization Using an Optical Profiler.
10.2.5 LeafCharacterization with an AFM
10.2.6 Adhesion Force and Friction
10.2.7 Role ofthe Hierarchy
10.3 OtherBiological Superhydrophobic Surfaces
10.4 Summary
11 Artifi(Biomimetic)Superhydrophobic Surfaces
11.1 How to Make a Superhydrophobic Surface
11.1.1 Roughening to Create One.Level Structure
11.1.2 Coating to Create One.Level Hydrophobic Structures
11.1.3 Methods to Create Two―Level(Hierarchicall
Superhydrophobic Structures
11.2 Experimental Techniques
11.2.1 Contact Angle,Surface Roughness,and Adhesion
11.2.2 MeasurementofDropletEvaporation
11.2.3 Measurement ofContact Angle Using ESEM
11.3 Wetting ofMicro-and Nanopattemed Surfaces
11.3.1 Micro―and Nanopatterned Polymers
11.3.2 Micropatterned Si Surfaces
11.4 Self-cleaning
11.5 Commerly Available Lotus.Effect Products
11.6 Summary
12  Gecko-Effect and Smart Adhesion
12.1 Gecko
12.2 Hierarchical Structure of the Attachment Pads
12.3 Model of Hierarchical Attachment Pads
12.4 Biomimetic Fibrillar Structures
12.5 Self-cleaning
12.6 BiomimeticTapeMadeofArtifiGeckoSkin
12.7 Summary
13 Other Biomimetic Surfaces
13.1 Hierarchical Organization in Biomaterials
13.2 Moth-Eye.Effect
13.3 Shark Skin
13.4 Darkling Beetle
13.5 Water Strider
13.6 Spider Web
13.7 Other Biomimetic Examples
13.8 Summary
14 Outlook