E-mail:syyang@semi.ac.cn; 电话:010-82305274
[1] Shenyuan Yang, David Prendergast, and Jeffrey B. Neaton, “Tuning semiconductor band edge energies for solar photocatalysis via surface ligand passivation”, Nano Lett. 12, 383 (2012).
[2] Shenyuan Yang, David Prendergast, and Jeffrey B. Neaton, “Tuning the electronic structure of II-VI and III-V semiconductors with biaxial strain”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 152108 (2011).
[3] Shenyuan Yang, David Prendergast, and Jeffrey B. Neaton, “Strain-induced band gap modification in coherent core/shell nanostructures”, Nano Lett. 10, 3156 (2010).
[4] Mina Yoon, Shenyuan Yang, and Zhenyu Zhang, “Interaction between hydrogen molecules and metallofullerenes”, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 064707 (2009).
[5] Shenyuan Yang, Lixin Zhang, Hua Chen, Enge Wang, and Zhenyu Zhang, “Generic guiding principle for the prediction of metal-induced reconstructions of compound semiconductor surfaces”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 075305 (2008).
[6] Shenyuan Yang, Mina Yoon, Christian Hicke, Zhenyu Zhang, and Enge Wang, “Electron transfer and localization in endohedral metallofullerenes: Ab initio density functional theory calculations”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 115435 (2008).
[7] Shenyuan Yang, Mina Yoon, Enge Wang, and Zhenyu Zhang, “Energetics and kinetics of Ti clustering on neutral and charged C60 surfaces”, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 134707 (2008).
[8] Mina Yoon, Shenyuan Yang, Christian Hicke, Enge Wang, David Geohegan, and Zhenyu Zhang, “Calcium as a superior coating metal in functionalization of carbon fullerenes for high-capacity hydrogen storage”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 206806 (2008).
[9] Mina Yoon, Shenyuan Yang, Enge Wang, and Zhenyu Zhang, “Charged fullerenes as high-capacity hydrogen storage media”, Nano Lett. 7, 2578 (2007).