1966年出生。1988年吉林大学毕业后加入中国科学院半导体所,先后参加了“七五”国家、科学院重大基金项目,“八五”攀登计划项目“低维半导体量子输运”相关课题的研究工作; 1995年5月赴奥地利维也纳技术大学固态电子学研究所做访问学者;1997年3月赴英国伯明翰大学物理系学习并获硕士学位;1998年5月开始在德国亚琛工业大学、维尔茨堡大学物理系学习和工作,2003年获维尔兹堡大学自然科学博士学位并从事博士后研究工作。2005年3月起任中国科学院半导体研究所研究员。
1. 半导体低维电子系统的输运现象及其在新型量子器件方面的应用:研究GaAs/AlAs 双势垒中的 G-C 电子态混合引起的磁隧穿振荡,GaAs/AlGaAs 短周期超晶格中微带输运与Si杂质相关输运之间的一种新Fano共振隧穿机制,朗道能级间的级联共振隧穿现象及THz源应用。
2. 发展了以微制作工艺手段获得金属纳米团簇线的方法,研究金属纳米团簇在室温单电子器件方面的应用;成功制作了小于50纳米的金点接触结,研究金属、Spin-glass纳米点接触相关输运现象,观察到声子谱和杂质相关的零偏压电导异常。
3. 窄禁带稀释磁性半导体微结构的自旋输运:研究HgTe/HgCdMnTe量子阱中Mn相关的Rashba自旋-轨道耦合效应增强现象,HgMnTe磁性二维电子气中Rashba效应、塞曼分裂和交换作用的竞争机制以及奇数填充的反常量子霍尔效应。
4. NiMnSb半金属薄膜材料的自旋输运和TMR器件研究, CoFe/AlO/NiMnSb 器件室温TMR达 8.7%。
5. 研究CMOS图像传感器消除图像拖尾现象、降低噪声的物理机制。
6. 室温工作CMOS太赫兹探测与成像芯片。
在研项目:国家重点研发计划“纳米科技”重点专项“CMOS 兼容的太赫兹源,探测和阵列成像”课题:CMOS/BiCMOS室温下连续操作太赫兹探测器(2016-2021);国家自然科学基金委面上项目“基于二维材料和超材料的太赫兹全光开关特性研究”(2017-2020)。
16. A 0.9–2.25-GHz Sub-0.2-mW/GHz Compact Low-Voltage Low-Power Hybrid Digital PLL With Loop Bandwidth-Tracking Technique; Zhao Zhang, Jincheng Yang, Liyuan Liu, Peng Feng, Jian Liu, Nanjian Wu; IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume:26, Issue:5, 933-944(2018).
15. A Heterogeneous Parallel Processor for High-speed Vision Chip; Jie Yang, Yongxing Yang, Zhe Chen, Liyuan Liu, Jian Liu, Nanjian Wu; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, VOL.28, NO.3, 746-758(2018).
14. Active Control Transmission of Terahertz Metamaterials Based on Ion Implantation and Light Pumping; Zhaoxin Geng, Xiong Zhang, and Jian Liu;
IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.10, No.1, Iss.1:5900208(2018).
13. Optical Controlled Terahertz Modulator Based on Tungsten Disulfide Nanosheet; Zhiyuan Fan, Zhaoxin Geng, Xiaoqin Lv, Yue Su, Yuping Yang, Jian Liu & Hongda Chen; Scientific Reports, Vol.7:14828(2017).
12. Terahertz detector for imaging in 180-nm standard CMOS process; Zhaoyang Liu, Liyuan Liu, Zhao Zhang, Jian Liu, Nanjian Wu; Science China Information Sciences, Vol.60: 082401(2017).
11. Optically tuned terahertz modulator based on annealed multilayer MoS2; Yapeng Cao, Sheng Gan, Zhaoxin Geng, Jian Liu, Yuping Yang, Qiaoling Bao & Hongda Chen; Scientific Reports, Vol.6:22899 (2016).
10. Polarization-Sensitive Coupling and Transmission Dip Shift in Asymmetric Metamaterials; Yapeng Cao,Yiyang Xie, Zhaoxin Geng, Jian Liu, Qiang Kan and Hongda Chen; The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, 119, 6204-6210(2015).
9. Tuning of Fano resonances in terahertz metamaterials; Y.P. Cao, Y.Y. Wang, Z.X. Geng, J. Liu, Y.P. Yang, and H.D. Chen; Journal of Applied Physics 117, 063107 (2015).
8. Pixel-parallel feature detection on vision chip; Jie Yang, Cong Shi, Liyuan Liu, Jian Liu, Nanjian Wu; Electronics Letters, Vol.50 (Issue 24), 1839-1841 (2014).
7. Fabrication of metallic air-bridges using multiple dose electron beam lithography; E. Girgis, J. Liu and M. L. Benkhedar; Applied Physics Letters, Vol.88, 202103 (2006).
6. New type of Fano resonant tunneling via Anderson impurities in superlattice; S. J. Xu, S.-J. Xiong, J. Liu and H. Z. Zheng; Europhysics Letters, Vol.74, 875-881(2006).
5. Tunneling magnetoresistance in devices based on epitaxial NiMnSb with uniaxial anisotropy; J. Liu, E. Girgis, P. Bach, C. Rüster, C. Gould, G. Schmidt, and L. W. Molenkamp; Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.99, 036110 (2006).
4. Interplay of Rashba, Zeeman and Landau splitting in a magnetic two-dimensional electron gas; Y.S. Gui, C.R. Becker, J. Liu, V. Daumer, V. Hock, H. Buhmann, and L.W. Molenkamp; Europhysics Letters, Vol.65, 393-399(2004).
3. Antiferromagnetic temperature and effective spin in n-type Hg1-xMnxTe; Y.S. Gui, J. Liu, K. Ortner, V. Daumer, C.R. Becker, H. Buhmann and L.W. Molenkamp; Applied Physics Letters, Vol.79, No.9, 1321-1323 (2001).
2. Microfabrication of nanoscale cluster chains on a patterned Si surface; Jian Liu, John C Barnard, Katrin Seeger and Richard E Palmer; Applied Physics Letters, Vol.73, No.14, 2030-2032 (1998).
1. Sequential resonant tunnelling through Landau levels in GaAs/AlAs superlattices; Jian Liu, Erich Gornik, Shijie Xu and Houzhi Zheng; Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol.12, No.11, 1422-1424 (1997).